94.4% Voters Cast Their Aspirations in the Faculty of Engineering Dean’ Election
The peak of the four-year democracy party at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) in the Dean Election for the 2021-2025 Period held today, Friday, April 23, 2021.
Centered in the hallway of the FTUB Building at 08.00-11.00 WIB, offline voting was conducted using the Walk-In and Drive-Thru methods. Meanwhile, for those who study abroad, the e-vote method is used.
Lecturers who are also the committee members cast their voting rights when they are not on duty.
Out of 268 registered voters on the list, 232 casted their aspiration offline and there are 21 who was using the e-vote.
“Alhamdulillah, the voting process went well, the vote counting will be held later at 13.00,” said the Head of the Committee, Ir. Eko Andi Suryo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
The result will determine the future FTUB leader in the next 4 years, with Candidate Number 1 Dr.Eng. Ir. Denny Widhiyanuriyawan, S.T., M.T., and Candidate Number 2, Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN.Eng.
The vote counting process was broadcast live at 13.00WIB through FTUB’s official Instagram account at ftub_official and the YouTube channel 123 Teknik.
The result shows that Prof. Hadi excelled with 156 votes. These results will be submitted to the Senate for the assessment process.
“This is a selection process, after this we will submit the results to the FTUB Senate for the assessment process,” explained Ir. Eko Andi Suryo after the ballot counting process.
He continued, the task of the committee is to select dean candidates and produce two names according to priority order and submit them to the senate.
At the senate meeting which will be held on April 26, 2021, two dean candidates will be evaluated and the results will be proposed to the rector. (mic)