
Faculty of Engineering

UB’s Smart CCTV Restrains Health Protocol Violators

Five Universitas Brawijaya (UB) students created the innovation “Smart Mapping System for The Potential Spread of COVID-19 via CCTV on The Road Based on Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence, Integrated with Vehicle Number Data”.

Supervised by Raden Arief Setyawan, ST., MT, the five students included Alfian Fitrayansyah (Faculty of Engineering), Affan Affandi (Faculty of Engineering), Muchammad Nasyruddin Hakim (Faculty of Engineering), Akmal Adnan Attamami (FMIPA), and Muhammad Lutfi Ardiansyah (Faculty of Engineering). FPIK’18).

The student representative, Nasyruddin Hakim, explained that the creation of the CCTV started from the team’s anxiety seeing the increasing number of COVID-19 cases while public awareness of implementing the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) rules, in the use of masks, was still lacking.

By utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology combined with CCTV technology, this innovation is believed to be able to assist in handling cases of the spread of COVID-19 by capturing the faces and license plates of motorcycle drivers who violate health protocols.

“The photo of the violator’s license plate can be used to track the identity of the violator through the license plate ownership data,” said Nasyruddin.

After obtaining the identity of the violator, he continued, the data then synchronized with the SIM data to check the address of the driver. The next process is mapping the address on the identity obtained as an area that has the potential for COVID-19 because one of the people does not comply with the health protocol while on the road.

After mapping out areas that have the potential for COVID-19, the government can take preventive actions in those areas, such as conducting socialization or even imposing sanctions on violators.

This solution can help the government in determining policies without waiting for data on the high number of areas affected by Covid-19 cases. By mapping the distribution of areas potentially affected by Covid-19, the government can take preventive actions before the high number of Covid-19 cases, such as conducting counseling and providing strict sanctions specifically for the area.

After going through various file selections and presentations before the jury, Smart COVID-19 won the Gold Medal Awards at the 2021 International Invention Competition For Young Moslem Scientists (IICYMS), which was attended by around 157 teams from 15 countries. In addition, they also received Special Awards from the Malaysia Innovation, Invention and Creativity Association (MIICA).

“I hope that with this innovation, it can improve public compliance with health protocols and can prevent the early spread of COVID-19,” said another team representative, Alfian Fitrayansyah.

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