
MTQMN Arabic Debate Competition at FT UB Start

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is trusted to once again host the National Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQMN) XVII 2023. For your information, this MTQMN was attended by 2653 participants from 213 universities in Indonesia and will compete against 15 Musabaqoh branches.

The branches include Tilawatil Quran, Tartil Quran, Qira’at Sab’ah, Fahmil Quran, Hifzhil Quran 10 Juz, Hifzhil Quran 20 Juz, Hifzhil Quran 30 Juz, Khattil Decoration, Khattil Contemporary, Syahril Quran, Al Qur’an Scientific Writing, Quran Application Design, Arabic Debate, English Debate, and Musabaqoh Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The debate on the content of the Al Qur’an in Arabic was held in the Prof. Auditorium. Ir. Suryono, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FT UB) on 4-8 November 2023.

This debate branch was attended by 42 universities from all over Indonesia. All participants attended a technical meeting on November 4, 2023, which was also attended by the entire jury.

The jury delivered and explained the 14 motions in the preliminary round on 5-6 November 2023. Apart from the debate motions, the jury also explained the scoring system for the Arabic Debate branch.

“Not only do you have to master the discussion, we will also assess how your arguments can move the audience or not,” said Dr. Andy Hadiyanto, MA  (FIS UNJ) as a representative of the jury.

The preliminary round for the Arabic Debate will take place over two days, 5-6 November 2023, the semifinals on 7 November, and the final round on 8 November 2023.

Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Alumni and Student Entrepreneurship (Field III) UB, Dr. Setiawan Noerdajasakti, S.H., M.H., looked at Prof. Ir Suryono’s auditorium during one of the preliminary sessions for the Arabic Debate Branch.

Accompanied by Deputy Dean III FTUB, Dr.Eng. Ir. Herry Santosa, ST., MT., he saw the venue’s readiness. He assured that all the needs of the participants and especially the jury were well served.

“UB as the host, certainly wants the best for its guests. Moreover, this MTQMN activity is a meeting place for superior seeds in the field of Quranic art,” concluded Dr. Setiawan before looking at other venues. (mic)

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