
Two Water Resources Engineering Teams Achieve Success in the 2024 Civil Innovation Paper Competition

The Civil Innovation Paper Competition, hosted by the ITS Civil Engineering Diploma Association, ran from June 13 to November 3, 2024. This competition brought together innovative ideas from students across Indonesia to address urban flood control challenges.

This year, two teams from the Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (UB), achieved impressive placements in this competition: the GANADORA-64 and DYSHANA-64 teams.

The GANADORA-64 Team consisted of three students: Aisyah Pratiwi, Ambar Wulan, and Amalia Aprilliani Saiful. They were guided by Prof. Dr. Ir. Lily Montarcih Limantara, M.Sc. Their paper was titled “UB-Drain Innovation (Under Drain Box Storage) for Flood Control Using an IoT-Integrated Sponge City Concept”.

The concept presented by GANADORA-64 focuses on IoT-integrated technology within an underground water storage system. This technology is expected to improve water absorption and storage capacity, effectively helping to reduce urban flooding.

The DYSHANA-64 team from UB also made a mark, winning 3rd place. This team consisted of Aisha Fatikhasupraba, Ahmad Yassin Fuady, and Alena Putri Bintang, mentored by Ir. Sri Wahyuni, ST., MT., Ph.D., IPM., Asean.Eng.

Their paper was titled “Innovative Strategy for Urban Flood Control: A Combination of Eco-Swale, IoT Technology, and Green Infrastructure in the Petemon Area, Sawahan”. The DYSHANA-64 project offers a solution that combines eco-swales, IoT technology, and green infrastructure to address flood issues.

According to Ir. Sri Wahyuni, the team’s combination of technology and eco-friendly approaches demonstrates a deep understanding of green infrastructure concepts suitable for densely populated urban areas.

“Hopefully, this achievement will inspire other students to continue innovating and contributing to developing environmentally friendly technology,” concluded Ir. Sri Wahyuni.

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