
Strategic Planning and Work Program

The Faculty of Engineering of Brawijaya University (FTUB) are expected to align themselves with the engineering faculty from leading universities in Asia in terms of the quality of the learning process, graduate, research and community service, so as to raise the (standard) prestige of the Indonesian people. For the Vision and Mission FTUB be set as follows:  Vision and Mission

To realize the vision and mission, FTUB need to develop a long-term program for the next 10 years in a Strategic Planning (Rencana Strategis/Renstra) document of the Faculty of Engineering of Brawijaya University from 2011 to 2020.

According to the Brawijaya University Strategic Plan of 2010-2014, the preparation of the Strategic Plan 2011-2020 FTUB begins with self-evaluation to look at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats which are then used in preparing the strategic issues. The self-evaluation components to follow component of accreditation made ​​by BAN-PT are: (1) vision, mission, goals and objectives, and achievement strategies (2) governance, leadership, management systems, and quality assurance, (3) students and graduates, (4) human resources, (5) curriculum, learning, and academic atmosphere, (6) financing, facilities and infrastructure, as well as information systems, and (7) research and service/community service, and cooperation.

Based on the analysis results of self-evaluation, and refers to the major issues that faced by Brawijaya University, there are five main issues that will be faced by FTUB in the next ten years: (1) Improving the quality of inputs, processes, and outputs (2) To make a healthy organization, (3) Increased competitiveness at international level, (4) management of resources, and (5) Funding.

Strategies to achieve objectives within a period of 10 years (2011-2020) set and hereinafter referred as the strategic plan (Rencana Strategis) and shortened as RENSTRA.

Our task is to plan well, wisely, and then do the best to fulfill it with all of our heart and mind. FTUB Strategic Plan of 2011-2020 is expected to direct FTUB in the coming years for the best future. With the Strategic Plan, it will be easier for the faculties, departments and study programs in determining the direction of the policy implementation. Furthermore, monitoring and evaluation needs to be done on the implementation of the Strategic Plan that are conducted annually by the Faculty Senate.

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