

In the beginning of 1963, to develop and balancing the proportion of exact and non-exact Faculty, Brawijaya University deems it necessary to open a new faculty of exact sciences. Ir. Iman Soetjipto (Malang Municipal Employees Public Works) together with Ir. Soemardi (member of Zeni Army), and M. Soejadi (head of Public Works Township of Malang) took the initiative to established the Faculty of Engineering at University of Brawijaya.
To follow up the establishing of The Faculty Of Engineering Of Brawijaya University, the three initiator then contact Ir. Suryono (Current Head of Brantas Project at that time) and the other engineers who live in Malang and its vicinity, such as Ir. Soejoso, Ir. J. Tahir, Ir. Soebagio, Ir. Baskoro Winarno, Ir. Lud Soedarto, and Ir. Tan Pao Tjiang who then decided to start build the faculty of Engineering off with two departments, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
According to Decree of Minister of Higher Education and Science No. 167 of 1963, on October 23, 1963 The Faculty of Engineering is officially open as a part of Brawijaya University. To lead the faculty at the first period appointed as a dean and secretary are Ir. Suryono and Ir. Iman Soetjipto.
The dean of the faculty of engineering from the first period until the last period can be seen in the table below.

Prof. Ir. Suryono

Periode : 1963-1966 & 1967-1982

Ir. Lud Soedarto

Periode : 1966-1967

Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhardjono, M.Pd., Dipl., HE

Periode : 1982-1985 & 2001-2005

Ir. Arifi Soenaryo

Periode : 1985-1988

Ir. A. Azis Hoesein, Dipl. HE., M.Eng. Sc

Periode : 1988-1992

Ir. Suroso, Dipl. HE., M.Eng

Periode : 1992-1995

Prof. Ir. Budiono Mismail, MSEE. Ph.D

Periode : 1995-1998

Ir. Sudjito, Ph.D

Periode : 1998-2001

Ir. Imam Zaky, MT

Periode : 2005-2009

Prof. Ir. Harnen Sulistio, M.Sc, Ph.D.

Periode : 2009-2013

Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, MS, IPU

Periode : 2013-2014

Prof. Dr. Ir. Pitojo Tri Juwono, MT, IPU., ASEAN Eng

Periode : 2014-2017 & 2017-2021

Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng

Periode : 2021-Sekarang

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