
Vision, Mision and Goals


Become Faculty of Engineering that is Innovative, Collaborative, and has International Competitiveness in Implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education for Community Welfare.


  • Organizing and improving the quality of education that is internationally competitive to produce graduates who are superior, have an entrepreneurial spirit with a noble character.
  • Organizing research and community service that is innovative and collaborative to support sustainable development for the welfare of society.
  • Organizing independent, fair, transparent, accountable, and credible institutions governance.


  • To realize an education process that has quality, and create graduates in the engineering field who are able to compete at the global level, professional, and have an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • To realize collaboration to produce innovative technology works in order to support sustainable development based on local wisdom.
  • To realize a governance system and resources with integrity and optimal performance.

Motto: “Together, We Do the Best

Service promise: “Tuntas Berintegritas

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