
Support Clean Energy Indonesia, UB Students Win Grand Prize

The Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (METI) held a seminar and exhibition on Indonesia’s New Energy, Renewable Energy and Conservation (Indo EBTKE Conex) on 6-8 November 2019.

Carrying the theme “Energy Transition Toward the Renewable Energy Era”, the 8th Indo EBTKE Conex held in the form of seminars and exhibitions held in parallel. This activity in collaboration with PT. Adaro Energy, PT. Pertamina Persero, INNOPA Innovation Association, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, and the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Opened by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif the event was participated by several agencies and foundations engaged in renewable energy.

Recalling renewable energy is one of the alternatives in the future so that research and development products that use this energy continue to be encouraged. METI also teamed up with 17 teams from Indonesian Universities in the Young Renewable Energy competition such as Universitas Brawijaya (UB), ITS Surabaya, Mercu Buana University Jakarta, Prasetya Mulya University, Akamigas Polytechnic, Dipenegoro University, and several other Universities.

One of UB’s representatives is Aligator team which is consist of Yusril Fatahilmi (Faculty of Engineering ’16) and Elok Paikoh (Agribusiness ’15). Under the guidance of Eka Maulana, ST., MT., M.Eng, this team managed to get a Grand Prize worth 15 million at the INDOEBTKE event.

The most recent innovation from Aligator is the use of Hybrid Technology on fishing boats using ocean wave conversion and power wind (Aero Power Plant). Basically the Aligator uses a mechanical system that converts sea wave power into mechanical energy using the Flywheel System, while the Aero Power Plant uses the Penta Helix Savonious design which is a vertical windmill with lighter weight efficiency and provides mechanical power that can be obtained from several cardinal directions. Hybrid Technology in the alligator becomes a source of electricity in the fishing boat as a source of fish cooling and lighting on the fishing boat.

“The Aligator Team aims to improve the quality of fish catches of fishermen, reduce the impact of carbon emission, reduce the cost of using fossil fuels, and increase the income of fishermen,” said Yusril.

The alligator also received support from one of the leading entrepreneurs engaged in the field of renewable energy sources, Sandiaga Uno. He said that this innovation also had the potential to support the welfare of the community, especially the Indonesian fishing community.

“The work of the Indonesian youth requires support and regulations to realize Clean Energy Indonesia program in 2025,” said the businessman who is also a politician that day.

This is in line with Yusril’s expectations, the government and business actors must be able to collaborate in creating regulations that support the work of young people especially in the field of renewable energy.

“I am sure that later, if it is mass produced, the Aligator will be able to be a useful to improve the welfare of the community, especially in the maritime field,” he said. (mic)

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