Apatte62 Brawijaya Wins Again at SEM 2025 Qatar
The Apatte62 team from Universitas Brawijaya once again showed brilliant achievements at the Shell Eco Marathon (SEM) Asia 2025 held in Qatar. Shell Eco Marathon Asia is one of the largest international events that brings together teams from various countries
Apatte62 Brawijaya Passes Inspection Test at Shell Eco Marathon Asia 2025, Targets Champion!
The Apatte Elang Energi Universitas Brawijaya Team has successfully passed the Technical Inspection stage, which is a crucial stage in the Shell Eco Marathon Asia competition. This success proves the team's readiness to face challenges while also demonstrating their ability
After KKM FT UB, Kucur Village Orange Plantation Tourism Becomes New Attraction for the Community
Tuesday (11/2/2025), Kemah Kerja Mahasiswa (KKM) XLV of FT UB was officially closed last Friday, but the positive impact of its implementation continues to be felt in Kucur village. Kucur village, which is located at the foot of Mount Putri
FT UB Inaugurates 67 New Engineers
The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FT UB) once again held an Inauguration of Engineers which took place solemnly at the Prof. Ir. Suryono Auditorium on Friday, 2/97/2025). This inauguration event was opened and inaugurated by the Chancellor of Universitas Brawijaya,
Students of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) Industrial Engineering Universitas Brawijaya Hold a Field Trip to PT. Lamong Bay Terminal
Second semester students from the International Undergraduate Program (IUP), Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University, held a field trip to PT. Teluk Lamong Terminal as part of the 45th Faculty of Engineering Student Work Camp activities on
Enthusiasm & Pride at the Closing Ceremony of KKM XLV in Kucur Village, Malang
Thursday (6/2/2025), the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FT UB) officially closed the series of activities of the 45th Student Work Camp (KKM) with a ceremony full of enthusiasm in Kucur Village, Dau District, Malang Regency. This event was attended
KKM XLV Second Day, Students Begin Implementing Community Service Projects
The Student Work Camp (KKM) XLV activity entered its second day, Tuesday (4/2/2025) with various community service activities. The students began implementing projects that included installing paving, installing public street lighting (PJU), repairing drainage, and cleaning the yard. In addition, students
FT UB Sends 1185 Students to Join KKM 45 to Kucur Village Malang
The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FT UB) sent 1,185 new students of the 2024 batch to join the Kemah Kerja Mahasiswa (KKM) XLV in Kucur Village, Dau District, Malang Regency. This activity lasted for four days, from 3 to
FTUB Ready to Hold KKM XLV in Kucur Village, Dau District, Malang Regency
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) continues to prepare to hold the XLV Student Work Camp (KKM) which will last for 4 days, namely 3-6 February 2025 in Kucur Village, Dau District, Malang Regency. On Sunday, February 2 2025, FTUB
Faculty Leaders Review KKM XLV 2025 Locations
In order to prepare the next generation to be superior and efficient, the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) is holding Student Work Camp (KKM) XLV in 2025. This activity, which has been a tradition for 45 years, is a