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Faculty of Engineering

UB Students Create a Pregnancy Monitoring Tool equipped with an IoT Integrated Low Back Pain Therapy feature

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) students once again demonstrated innovation by creating a pregnancy monitoring tool equipped with an Internet of Things (IoT) integrated Low Back Pain therapy feature. This innovative work is intended to compete in the 37th Pekan Ilmiah Nasional (PIMNAS) and is expected to be able to bring UB’s good name at the national level.

The innovator team consisting of five UB students, namely Reiza Hafid Ardytyan (Electrical Engineering 2021); Randian Ahmad Fawwazi H (Electrical Engineering 2021); Muhammad Bintang Saktya Ramadhan (Information Systems 2022); Nabila Kautsar Amalia (Midwifery 2021); and Iffatun Nisak ​​Kamaliyah (Midwifery 2021). Together with the guidance of Ir. Zainul Abidin, S.T., M.Eng., M.T., Ph.D.(1); Dr. Subandi Reksohusodo, Sp.OG (K)Onk.(2); and Ratna Diana Fransiska, S.ST, M.PH.(3) created the work SMARTERNITY (Pregnancy Monitoring and Low Back Pain Therapy Integrated With IoT).

“Our goal in making this tool is to facilitate accessibility for health workers and pregnant women in routinely monitoring the condition of the fetus and providing effective therapy to reduce lower back pain and improve the quality of life of pregnant women,” explained Reiza Hafid.

Furthermore, Reza also said that this tool aims to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target point 3 by reducing maternal and infant mortality rates and ensuring good health for mothers and children. This tool is called SMARTERNITY (Pregnancy Monitoring and Low Back Pain Therapy Integrated With IoT), which is a smart corset that can monitor the Fetal Heartbeat using K-Means Clustering and Fetal Movement using an accelerometer in real time and is equipped with a Low Back Pain Therapy feature using the Internet Integrated TENS method of Things.

One of the superior features of this tool is Low Back Pain therapy which is integrated with IoT technology. This feature uses electrical stimulation that can be adjusted via the app to help reduce lower back pain.

“Hopefully this tool can help the development of medical technology, especially pregnant women and fetuses, as well as passing and winning in the National Pimnas,” hoped Reiza.

With this pregnancy monitoring tool which is equipped with an IoT integrated Low Back Pain therapy feature, the UB student team hopes to make a real contribution to the world of health, especially for pregnant women. It is hoped that the support and prayers from the entire UB academic community will help them achieve success in the PIMNAS event. Hopefully this innovation can provide great benefits to the world of health and bring brilliant achievements to Brawijaya University in 37th PIMNAS. Come on, support UB students in PIMNAS![drn ]

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