
Hadi Suyono, The New Professor in Power Systems Engineering & Artificial Intelligence

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) keep on increasing the quality of its human resources. Today, Wednesday, July 22, 2020, Prof. Ir Hadi Suyono ST MT PhD IPU was inaugurated in Widyaloka UB Building.

Because of the pandemic, the inauguration was only attended by the Rector, Head and Secretary of the Senate, the Dean of the Faculty concerned, as well as the families of the new professors. The entire procession was broadcast live on UBTV Youtube Streaming Channel and UB Radio.

Prof. Hadi has inaugurated Professor based on The Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No 152763/MPK/KP/2019 as of December 1st, 2019, in the fields of Power Systems Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. Thus he became the 15th active professor of FTUB, the 187th active professor in UB, and became the 264th professor of all professors in UB.

That morning he delivered a scientific speech with the title Strategy to Accelerate Integration of New and Renewable Energy Generations in the Electric Power System in Indonesia.

He chooses this topic because he sees the importance of the implementation and development of the injection and integration of new and renewable energy (EBT) power plants into the existing power system to reduce the use of fossil plants that have had adverse environmental impacts.

“The need for electricity both in the global world and in Indonesia every year has increased especially with the increase and improvement of the global economy,” he said.

He continued, globally, world electricity consumption in 2018 increased by around 3.5% compared to the previous year, with an average increase of 3.1% per year since 2000.

Increased electricity consumption also occurs in Indonesia. At the end of 2018, there was an increase of 5.1% compared to 2017, with an average increase of 6.2% per year since 2000.

However, the biggest source of electrical energy is still supplied by plants with fossil fuels; coal, petroleum, and natural gas. The use of fossil fuels has given an environmental adverse such as air pollution, water, and the production of various emission gases that cause greenhouse gas emissions (global warming).

“To reduce the scarcity of fossil fuels that availability has begun to diminish, and to reduce environmental pollution, new and renewable energy-based power plants (EBT) need to be implemented and developed,” he explained.

He said EBT generators with solar and wind sources provided the lowest CO2 emissions compared to the other electric generating technologies.

“With the implementation of EBT-based power plants, the air quality and the environment will be better,” he concluded.

To note, Prof. Hadi was born in Pamekasan, May 20, 1973. He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering at UB, a Masters in Electrical Engineering at UGM, and a Doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Currently, he serves as Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering, FT-UB. (mic)

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