
Inauguration of the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UB 2022-2026

On this day, Monday, January 3, 2021, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) for the 2022-2026 period has been inaugurated at the Samantha Krida Building UB.

The new Vice Deans of FTUB who were sworn in today are:
1. Academic Field: Dr.Eng. Ir. Indradi Wijatmiko, S.T., M.Eng.(Prac)
2. General Affairs, Finance, and Human Resources: Ir. Ismu Rini Dwi Ari, M.T., Ph.D.
3. Student Affairs, Alumni, and Student Entrepreneurship: Dr.Eng. Ir. Herry Santosa, S.T., M.T., IPM.

The entire Big Family of the Faculty of Engineering congratulates the New Vice Deans of FTUB, 2022-2026 Period.

Hopefully, they will be given strength in their duties, trustworthiness, and togetherness they can bring the Faculty of Engineering more advanced in achieving an international reputation.

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