
Dharma Bakti II, Faculty of Engineering Spreads Kindness During Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed prevented new students from the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) from carrying out the Student Work Camp (KKM). However, the spirit of KKM, which has become The FTUB tradition since 44 years ago, did not stop the 2021 FTUB freshmen from continuing to serve the country even in the midst of a pandemic.

Since last year, FTUB has held an activity entitled DHARMA BAKTI FTUB. This year, FTUB also held a Dharma Bakti II activity, of course, still by carrying out health protocols in its implementation.

This year, new students are involved in educating and inviting the public to be more concerned about health. The project is carried out by making posters with the theme of Health which will be distributed to public places in the respective student’s domicile (23 Feb – 4 March 2022).

Included in this series of Dharma Bakti II is the provision of social assistance for the residents of Princi Hamlet, Gadingkulon Village, Kec. Dau, Kab. Malang, which was held today, Wednesday, March 3, 2022.

Also present to provide symbolic assistance in Princi Hamlet, all Vices Dean, and Heads of Departments in the FTUB environment along with the Head of Administration and their staff.

On the same occasion, 2021 FT-UB New Students donated decent books, writing tools, and sports equipment to Gadingkulon State Elementary School II.

The series of Dharma Bakti FTUB 2021 which began on February 23 will end with a webinar on March 5, 2022, which will present three reliable speakers:
1. Eko Andi Suryo, ST., MT., Ph. D, Head of the Civil Engineering Department with the theme Self Branding: Be ready to be a future leader
2. Eza Hazami, a content creator with the theme Self Branding: Build your skill
3. Linal Muna S.Psi, an alumnus of Psychology at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang with the theme Self Branding: Know Yourself

Spreading Kindness, Reaping Concern in a Time of Pandemic.

Together We Do The Best!!


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