
Industrial Engineering UB Provides Data Science Training for SMK Students

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (DTI FT-UB) through Community Service Program (PKM) activities organizes Data Science training on Customer Segmentation to improve Business Marketing Insight for Students of SMK Negeri 3 Malang.

The training, which also involved Data Analysis and Quality Engineering Laboratory (ADRK) laboratory assistant in its implementation, was held offline on Friday, September 2, 2022, in the Auditorium of SMKN 3 Malang.

PKM Team Leader, L. Tri WIjaya Nata Kusuma, ST., MT., Ph.D., said that this training was inspired by the business sector, which must transform to survive while facing the demands of the era of disruption, especially the retail business.

Modern and digital businesses involve a lot of data in every decision. An example of the application of data science in marketing is customer segmentation.

“For example, customer classification data based on certain characteristics, so that retailers can market their products to each group more effectively and on target so that products sell better,” he explained.

To apply data science, data scientists must have in-depth knowledge of mathematics, statistics, and computers/programming. Because data processing (collection, manipulation, and analysis) uses large amounts of data and complex algorithms.

Therefore, human resources who are digitally talented and sensitive to the dynamics of changes in digital technology are urgently needed.

According to Mckinsey’s research, Indonesia needs 600 thousand digital talents each year to be able to reap the potential of the digital economy of thousands of trillions of rupiah, but only 100 thousand to 200 thousand or around 20% can be fulfilled.

“To answer these problems, the PKM team is trying to improve the abilities of eleven SMKN 3 students who are digital talent candidates who will fill the void by providing training using demonstration methods and case studies on customer segmentation problems,” he explained.

The technology used in training for the implementation of data processing uses the Python programming language and the Google Colab IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

The PKM team hopes that in the future, there will be intensive training for students of SMKN 3 Malang regarding further data analysis tools, given the expertise of students from various majors.

Lecturers involved in this PKM activity are Prof. Dr. Qomariyatus Sholihah, ST., M.Kes. IPU, ASEAN Eng., Ir. Amanda Nur Cahyawati, ST., MT, Ir. Yeni Sumantri., S.Si., MT., PhD., IPU., Ir. Ihwan Hamdala, ST., MT., IPM., and Ir. Bambang Indrayadi, MT.

The laboratory assistants/students involved in this PKM activity are Ginas Ayomi, I Made Pasek Windu Merta, Irsandi Nur Habibie Mukmin, Yessy Eka Puspita Sari, Nadia Apriliani, Aidah Khansa Fahniar, Vania Vashti Ramadhani, Kurnia Yusa Ar Rauuf, Rionaldi, Ade Rizky Febryananda, and Muhammad Adnan Maulana. (and/HumasFT)

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