
Civil Engineering Bags 3 Awards in KJI XVII

The Civil Engineering Team, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) is competing again in the 2022 Indonesian Bridge Competition (KJI).

The teams competing in the final round of KJI 2022 are the Artemis Team in the Arch Bridge Category and the Ardhiyasa Team in the Frame Bridge Category.

The Artemis team consisted of Yoga Hayyananda Cahya and Siti Nurjanah under the guidance of Ir. Christin Remayanti Nainggolan, S.T., M.T. And under the guidance of Dr. Eng. Ir. Eva Arifi, S.T., M.T., the Ardhiyasa Team consisting of Gracius Teguh Imananto and Hanif Akbar Rabbany.

Both teams won the award for the Most Beautiful Bridge Category and won 2nd place in the Arched Bridge Category.

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs FTUB, Dr.Eng. Ir. Indradi Wijatmiko, S.T., M.Eng (Prac) also oversees the struggle of these two teams. He feels proud that the two teams can still maintain the tradition of UB’s Civil Engineering, achieving at KJI.

“In the future, the challenges will be even tougher, I’m sure this Engineering student who is known for being militant and cohesive will continue to do his best for his alma mater. With proper preparation, the results will be maximized,” said the lecturer in Civil Engineering.

He also hopes that in the future communication between students and lecturers can be better and more intensive. Ir. Indradi also advised the students to continue to gain as much knowledge as possible, and make lots of innovations and new breakthroughs, because knowledge will continue to develop.

This challenge was answered by a member of the Artemis team, Yoga. Yoga feels that this competition is full of struggles and keeps them creative.

“This competition triggers us always to make up our minds to bring out our greatest ideas,” he concluded.

The 17th Indonesian Bridge Competition (KJI XVII) was organized by the Talent Development Center, National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology and was held on 11-13 November 2022.

This time, 16 (sixteen) teams representing 8 (eight) arch model bridges and 8 (eight) steel frame model bridges competed at Pembangunan Jaya University, South Tangerang.

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