
Hundreds of Speakers Answer Water Management Challenges

The Water Resources Engineering (WRE) Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) held an International Conference of Water Resources Development and Environmental Protection (ICWRDEP). Through ICWRDEP, UB Water Engineering answered water management challenges from various perspectives in a hybrid on Saturday, September 23, 2023.

The event, which was held in the Prof Ir Suryono Auditorium on the 2nd floor of the FT UB Dean’s Building, carried the main theme “A Multi-dimensional Perspective on Water Resources and Environmental Challenges and Research”.

Present to open this biennial conference was the Rector of Brawijaya University, Prof Widodo SSi MSi PhDMedSc.

“This seminar has a big impact, not only for Indonesia but also for the world, because water is a source of life. So, if we preserve water, it means the same as preserving life. But if water is not managed properly, it could cause disaster,” said Prof Widodo when opening the event.

ICWRDEP 2023 raises current issues in the field of water resources. These include River Engineering and Management (REM), Coastal Engineering and Management (CEM), Environmental Engineering and Sanitation (EES), Water Resources Engineering and Management (WREM), Water–related Disaster Risk Reduction (WDRD), dan Water related to Civil Architectural Engineering.

“The function of the WRE department is to contribute to how it can be involved or contribute ideas related to water management in the world,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Dean of FT UB, Prof. Ir Hadi Suyono ST MT PhD IPU ASEAN Eng, said that this international seminar contributed to ideas and increased the reputation and internationalization of the Faculty of Engineering and UB.

“Hopefully, through this activity, we can raise the name of the university and also solve problems that exist in society regarding irrigation,” he said.

Head of the WRE FTUB Department, Dr Runi Asmaranto ST MT IPM, explained, that this year’s ICWRDEP event is the 5th time it has been held. This year’s ICWRDEP organizer, collaborates with various agencies at home and abroad as co-organizers.

“This year, five countries participated, from Japan, the Netherlands, Malaysia, India, and Indonesia,” he explained.

According to him, many papers are strictly selected, and there are more than 100 papers that Scopus will index after going through several review stages.

“Earlier, there was also an MoU signed with India regarding the development of AI technology. It is possible that this research will be more about resource development. And, later, it will certainly involve scientific disciplines, so I think this seminar is very important,” he concluded.

As Dr. Runi stated, on this occasion, a Cooperation Agreement was also signed between UB and the Indian Institute of Technology Roorke, India.

Entering the main event, Keynote Speakers and Presenters showed the latest knowledge and technology findings for planning, management, strategy, and resilience of water resources.

Keynote Speakers at this international seminar include:
– Arie Setiadi Moerwanto (Special Staff to the Minister of PUPR for Water Resources representing the Minister of PUPR);
– Prof. Keisuke Murakami (Coastal Engineering, River Engineering, Natural Disaster Management Miyazaki University, Japan);
– Prof. Deepak Khare (Indian Institute of Technology Roorke, India); And
– Prof. Donny Harisuseno (Brawijaya University, Indonesia).

By bringing together relevant stakeholders, it is hoped that they can jointly provide solutions and policy guidance for water and environmental problems that are currently hot.

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