
Again, Department of Professionals Engineering FTUB Produces 79 Strong Indonesian Engineers!

The Professional Engineer Study Program (PSPPI), Engineering Professional Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) has once again confirmed Indonesian engineers today, Wednesday, December 19, 2023.

In his report, the Dean of FTUB reported that there were 78 11th Class Engineer Candidates and 1 Class X Engineer Candidate ready to be inaugurated and take the oath to become an Engineer.

“All participants have fulfilled all academic and administrative requirements to become engineers,” said Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng.

A total of 79 PSPPI graduates took their Engineer’s Oath in the presence of the Leaders of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII), University Leaders, and Faculty Leaders in the Prof. Ir. Suryono Auditorium.

Also present at the Auditorium on the 2nd floor of the FTUB Building, were the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Internationalization, Andi Kurniawan SPi MEng DSc, Secretary General of PII Central Ir Bambang Goeritno MSc MPA IPU APEC Eng, Chairman of PII East Java Region Ir Gentur Prihantono SH MH MT IPU, Chairman of PII Malang Branch Prof. Ir Ludfi Djakfar MSCE PhD IPU ASEAN Eng., along with all the leadership at FT UB.

In his report, the Dean of FTUB reported that all prospective engineers today have fulfilled all the academic and administrative requirements to become an engineer.

Assessment is carried out through portfolio assessments of students using the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) mechanism.

Based on the Field of Expertise group, the engineer candidates graduating today consist of 10 fields of expertise; Civil/Building Engineering 30 people, Mechanical Engineering 17 people, Electrical Engineering 14 people, Water Resources Engineering 6 people, Urban & Regional Planning 1 person, Industrial Engineering 2 people, Chemical Engineering 6 people, Computer and Information Engineering 1 person, Energy Engineering 1 person, and Telecommunications Engineering 1 person.

The inauguration participants came from various professions and agencies such as Academics/Lecturers (20 people), BUMN (31 people), Consultants/Contractors (12), Government Services (14 people), Hospitals (1 person), and the DPR RI ( 1 person).

“To date, PSPPI UB has produced 715 engineers,” he concluded.

Following Law Number 11 of 2014 concerning Engineering, Engineer (Ir.) is a title given by universities to graduates after following post-graduate professional education.

This Engineer title is important for engineering practitioners because article 10 states “Every Engineer who will carry out Engineering Practice in Indonesia must have an Engineer Registration Certificate”.

This was conveyed by Ir. Bambang Goeritno in his speech after taking the Engineer’s Oath and placing the Engineer’s Helmet.

“Congratulations to all new professional engineers. Remember that Professionalism is seen as a commitment to always provide the best service/work,” said Ir. Bambang.

On the same occasion, WR IV UB expressed how proud he was of this Engineer title. He explained that the engineering concept was brilliant in the Indonesian context.

The difference between Science and Engineering is that, while science gives people an understanding of what nature and the physical world are, engineering will provide direction on how to use it.

“Without engineering, science and technology will never become useful,” said Andi Kurniawan.

Indonesia, he continued, has declared itself to build a civilization on the feet of an Innovation-Driven Economy, but if we look at Indonesia’s human index assessment, research and development, and innovation are the lowest in Indonesia.

With this enormous paradox, Indonesia needs people who have a basis in science, know what technology is, and can create it as products and processes.

“What this country needs is collaboration in multi-disciplinary knowledge and interpretation. What unites them are people with engineering abilities who have the awareness to build the country, and illuminate the country to unite Indonesia. Who is it? Indonesian Tough Engineers!” he concluded. (mic)

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