
FT UB and Arhanud Arms Center Collaborate in Development of Defense Equipment

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FT UB) and the Air Defense Artillery Weapons Center (Pussenarhanud) have agreed to collaborate in the field of Research and Development. The ceremonial signing of the cooperation document was carried out by the Dean of FT UB, Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, ST., MT., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng. and Dirbinlitbang Pussenarhanud Col. Arh Marthen Verny Rorintulus, S.E., M.Han in the Leadership Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, FT UB Dean Building, Monday (25/3/2024).

Dean of FT UB Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, ST., MT., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng. revealed that the Faculty of Engineering is one of the largest faculties in UB with approximately 6800 students and is supported by 279 lecturers.

“In terms of qualifications, 40 percent of the 279 lecturers have doctoral degrees. We manage research and community service in a year of no less than 210 titles, both from internal and external funding,” he said.

Collaboration with external parties is also one of the measures of performance achievement of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) derived from the Ministry. Apart from that, this collaboration will open up great opportunities for FT UB students and lecturers to be directly involved in developing cutting-edge defense technology. Collaboration with PK Arhanud will have a positive impact on the progress of research and innovation in this field

“We welcome, we hope that this collaboration will develop in a context not only in the field of research. And the research we carry out can solve problems in society and become a stepping stone for other strategic activities,” added Prof. Hadi.

Dirbinlitbang Pussenarhanud Col. Arh Marthen Verny Rorintulus, S.E., M.Han said that currently his party aims to develop cooperation between the Indonesian Army, the defense industry and universities. In previous years, Pussenarhanud has carried out research and development with output in the form of articles, prototypes, and some have reached the mass production stage.

“Incidentally, this year we are carrying out research and development activities for the Arhanud defense equipment C4 integration system prototype. We thank you very much for being willing to work with us. If we’re not mistaken, this collaboration in the sector is the first, previously there had been collaboration, but only with industry,” explained Kol. Arh Marthen.

Col Arh Marthen Verny Rorintulus hopes that this collaboration program with universities can continue to be sustainable, especially across departments, because the TNI AD has various kinds of defense equipment systems that can be developed. This collaboration is a significant step in strengthening Indonesia’s defense technology capacity and improving the quality of human resources in the field of military engineering. Both agreed to support each other in research, development and implementation of the latest technology that can be applied to the national defense system.[drn/and]

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