
Socialization of PTNBH and UB Strategic Plan, Together Achieving Dreams

The transformation of Universitas Brawijaya into a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH) is in sight. With its status as PTNBH, UB has broader autonomy in terms of managing the organization, including the budget.

Following this change, UB has a quite different strategic plan when compared to its status as a Public Service Agency (BLU).

UB’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR., MS., Along with his staff conducted a socialization of PTNBH and UB Strategic Plan at the Faculty of Engineering on Friday, October 18th, 2019.

In front of all FTUB lecturers and staff, Prof. Nuhfil said that UB had fulfilled the requirements to become PTNBH. One of them is that UB must enter cluster one on the ranking of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.

“Currently UB has fulfilled the main requirements, we are now ranked 9,” said the Rector.

The Agriculture Faculty lecturer also explained that the interests of UB to become PTNBH include the improvement of UB’s reputation, improvement of UB’s competitiveness at the international level, improvement of academic quality and services, improvement in the quality of institutional management, and of course autonomy in academics, finance, and asset management.

“This status gives us independence in management and is directly responsible to the public,” he said.

Prof. Nuhfil explained, with this change in status the highest decision would later be held by the Board of Trustees (MWA).

The MWA will consist of ministers, rector, senates, community leaders, alumni, professors, administrative staff, and the community.

While organizations in the faculty consist of faculty leaders, faculty academic senates, departments which consist of several study programs, laboratories, and other necessary elements.

Hundreds of lecturers/staff present at Prof. Ir. Suryono Auditorium that morning also explained about the strategy of UB’s development goals by the Vice Rectorfor Planning and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Ir. Moch. Sasmito Djati, M.S.

He explained it briefly as GIRAFFE; Governance, Innovation, Reputation, Alumni, Faculty, Fund, and Efficient.

“In brief we focus this strategy on internalizing PTNBH governance, innovation management to be more absorbed, strengthening the uniqueness of the research place for innovation development, creating alumni with an international reputation with entrepreneurial spirit, building an independent and self-directed human resources, create an accountable integrated IT-based financial management, and restructuring planning and budgeting efficiently,” he explained.

Closing his exposure that afternoon, Prof. Nuhfil invites all elements in UB to work together to realize UB goals to become a PTNBH with a capacity, competitiveness, and noble value.

Answering the Rector, Dean of FTUB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Pitojo Tri Juwono is also committed to always support the university’s program to improve quality and service, as well as compete at the international level towards world class universities. (mic)

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