
Synergistic Mindset, the Main Weapon of UB Youth Engineering as the Main Actor to Build Indonesia

Indonesia, identical with diversity. The abundance of differences in ethnicity and culture has led Indonesia to have one dream, which is unity. However, the current reality does not prove that we are united. Nowadays, the Indonesian people only unite when there is a problem that contains an element of excitement. This nation only began to speak out when our culture began to be recognized. In fact, this nation has not tried to preserve it together as the nation’s culture. Not yet created harmony as a whole that complement each other’s strengths.

Related to this problem, this is where the young engineer must play a proactive role in creating collaborations. There are still so many things that we, as a young engineer must contribute together for Indonesia. It is necessary to create national works in the field of engineering so that there will be a significant increase in technological developments in Indonesia.

Germany has just created the latest biomass generation technology and is undergoing a “Batterie 2020” project as an effort to develop electric cars. In Japan, robots have been used to help service in stores, serving food and other sophistication. In fact, in 2018 Japan had started to develop an elevator into space. Whereas in Indonesia, we are currently busy dealing with other things that are less important and aside the strengthening of collaboration for the sake of prestige or personal interests. In fact, to create great things requires collaboration, and to create an amazing innovation and to make it happen, it takes the unity of youth from all branches of engineering, such as Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and others without exception.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science No. 167 of 1963 dated October 23, 1963 the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya was officially established. The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, is a place for a young engineers that will struggle to mobilize all their strength to build the country. There are 8 Study Programs that synergize with each other to foster a fighting spirit in this faculty.

Based on synergism as a foundation, great advances are made. Recently, on October 6, the news of the victory for FT UB achieved by a joint team of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering in the Indonesian Flying Robot Contest (KRTI) raised the name of FT UB soaring even higher. If examined deeper about the history of achievements carved by FT UB’s engineering youths, there will be found infinite achievements in terms of how many achievements have been carved. From this, it must be known that synergy is the strongest foundation. Now, you can imagine what will happen if FT UB continues to strengthen more this foundation. With the support of mutual consistency, FT UB will be able to become the front guard in creating technological advances in Indonesia.

In conclusion, Indonesia has a bunch of problems that are often underestimated, that is unity. Indonesia has many young engineers, but Indonesia needs more young engineers who want to sacrifice together for the country. In this place, at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, let us strengthen our synergy to make critical and innovative experiments. Let us combine science with solidarity to realize the ideals of the Indonesian people.

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