
Tasyakuran of FTUB’ 56th Anniversary

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FT-UB) held a ceremony to commemorate the 56th anniversary (dies natalis), Wednesday, October 23, 2019, at the Auditorium of Prof. Ir Suryono on the 2nd floor of the FT-UB Dean Building.

The morning program began with the reading of the Holy Qur’an and then continued with the performance of the Ratoe Jatoh dance by UB’s Unitantri.

Dean of FT-UB Prof. Dr. Ir Pitojo Tri Juwono, MT in his remarks expressed his highest gratitude and appreciation to the predecessors, founders, seniors, and teachers who have strives to advance the Faculty of Engineering so that it stands as it is today.

The Dean noted that until now FT-UB has graduated 23,713 thousand graduates of S1, S2, and S3. He asked all academicians and FTUB staff to prepare graduates who had competence, competitiveness, excellence, and were ready to work.

“InshaaAllah UB will go to PTN-BH, this is a matter and a real challenge, with all the autonomy in the academic and financial fields,” he explained.

In the next 5 years, UB is targeted to be ranked in the top 500 universities in the world. Responding to this, the Dean highlighted aspects of FT-UB’s human resources that must be improved. Namely increasing the percentage of professors holding professors and doctors.

On this occasion, FT-UB also handed over souvenirs to lecturers and educational staff who had entered the retirement period. The program continued with motivational sessions by doctors and senior motivator Dr. Arief Alamsyah, MARS. In his talk, Arief asked academics to work hand in hand to face future challenges.

“We have to make things easier for each other regardless of your position. Don’t calculate too much (with the rewards that will be obtained),” he said.

The event was followed by cutting the tumpeng by the Dean and heads of faculties across periods and continued with lunch in the 1st floor lobby of the FT-UB dean building.

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