
A Total of 1,272 FT Votes at PEMIRA 2019

The student democratic party of Universitas Brawijaya (UB), the Students Election (PEMIRA) was held again. This annual activity is carried out to determine the Student Executive President (EM) and the ranks of the Student Representative Council (DPM) in Universitas Brawijaya.

PEMIRA 2019 still uses the same system, e-vote. Quite different, last year the Faculty of Engineering (FT) placed polling stations in two locations (the Lobby of the FTUB Building and the Mechanical Building III). This year the polling station (TPS) is centered in the 1st floor lobby of the FT-UB Building.

“This past week we have coordinated with the committee in the Faculty, it was decided to bring the two polling stations closer so it easier for us to manage the setting and coordination,” said FT local committee coordinator, Muhammad Akhwan Firdaus.

The 2018 Industrial Engineering student also revealed that PEMIRA 2019 preparation had been prepared quite well both the e-vote system and its equipment. Each polling station is guarded by a supervisory committee from the 2019 PEMIRA committee and is assisted by a local committee (PANLOK).

“Because the central server went down earlier, so the election time which was originally up to 16:00 was extended to 18:00,” explained Akhwan.

By bringing a Student Identity Card (KTM), students are given 60 seconds to choose the candidates for the president and vice president of the UB Student Executive and the UB Student Representative Council. However, before that it is necessary to verify voter data beforehand by the student committee on duty. Until the end of the voting period, the total votes entered from the two polling stations in the Faculty of Engineering were 1,272 votes. (mic)

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