
Social Service & Touring Closes 56 FTUB Anniversary Series

Closing the series of its 56th Anniversary, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya  (FTUB) held a Tour of Engineering. More than 100 participants consisting of leaders, lecturers, and educational staff ride their motorbike to Ngliyep Beach, Malang Regency on Sunday, November 10, 2019.

The atmosphere of togetherness was felt from before leaving until the end of the activity. Before leaving, the Dean advised that during the trip participants were careful in driving, protect each other, and always prioritizing safety.

“Be careful on the trip, good luck on Ngliyep Beach and hopefully family and familiarity will be felt there later,” said Prof. Pitojo Tri Juwono before dispatching participants.

Departing from the FTUB Main Building parking lot, the group stopped for a moment at the Al-Karomah Orphanage, Curungrejo, Kepanjen to carry out social services.

“This year we deliberately targeting the southern Malang area for the social service,” said the Head of FTUB 56th Anniversary, Dr.Eng Denny Widhiyanuriyawan.

Indeed, in previous years FTUB, especially Dharma Wanita Persatuan FTUB, held social service in eastern Malang. This year, aside from equalization, social service activities to orphanages were held together with the Tour of Engineering.

After sharing compassion and assistance, the group continued the journey again. towards Ngliyep Beach. Upon arriving the group relaxed while increasing familiarity by participating in various games provided by the committee. In addition, dozens of door prizes were also distributed to the lucky participants.

“Hopefully this sense of togetherness can improve cooperation and coordination in the FTUB extended family,” hoped KTU, Endang Susiloningsih M.AB after the activity.

The series of FTUB’s 56th Anniversary activities have been carried out starting in early October. Starting from Article Writing and Profile Video Competition (1-27/Oct/2019), Team Table Tennis Competition (8-10/Oct/2019), Videography Workshop (9/Oct/2019), Runtas’Tic (11/Oct/2019), Solo Singing Contest (16-17/Oct/2019), Maumere Creative Gymnastics Competition (22/Oct/2019), and tasyakuran on 23 October 2019.

After tasyakuran, a series of activities continued with a Cooking & Barista Competition (25/Oct/2019), Grebek Pa-Zar Dies (25/Oct/2019), Gowes Cheers Engineering (10/Nov/2019), and of course the Dies Natalis Healthy Walk as well as the inauguration of Al Hadiid Mosque as the peak of the 56th Anniversary of FTUB at October 27, 2019. (mic)

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