
Azis Hoesein: Never Too Old To Learn

Nulla aetas ad discendum sera, it’s never too late to learn. This Seneca expression seems to be inherent in Ir. Abdul Azis Hoesein, Dipl.HE., M.Eng.Sc. In his almost 73 years of of life, he successfully completed his doctoral education at the Civil Engineering Doctoral Program at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB).

The FTUB Dean for the period 1988-1992 successfully defended his dissertation entitled Spatial Curve Number Model for Runoff Predicting in the Lesti Sub-Watershed, in front of the panel of examiners today, Wednesday, December 18, 2019.

To note, not every drop of rain water is absorbed by the soil, some run off on the surface. This surface runoff may cause flooding.

In his dissertation, the man who was born December 27, 1946 predicts how much this rain water will run off.

Many ways to predict runoff in a watershed. One of them is using the Curve Number (CN), model developed by the US Department of Agriculture’s Soil Conservation Service (SCS).

CN is very dependent on land use and it may varies in every dams. Even in a dam, not all zones have the same runoff, so the CN value may also varies.

“This paper is a report on the results of research using the SCS-CN model to predict the magnitude of the CN in the Lesti Sub-watershed using the characteristics of the Sub-watershed and with an overlay map of land use maps and soil types,” said the grandpa of 8 grandchildren.

In his research, this alumni of The International Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Delft Netherlands intends to apply accurately the Curve Number numbers which are spatially a function of the soil cover, land use, hydrological conditions, and soil hydrological groups in the Lesti Sub-watershed.

The results of his research stated that the CN model that is suitable for predicting runoff in the Lesti Sub-watershed is spatial CN and from the overlay map used, it is found that the magnitude of CN ranges between 45-78 with an average of CN= 64.

In his presentation, he said, the results of the spatial CN model for the Lesti watershed were quite accurate if he compare it to those made by the United States Department of Agriculture.

“In addition, the mapping of CN numbers can be used directly by engineers, managers and designers from the drainage facilities in the Lesti River Basin,” concluded the man who had been active as Chairperson of the PAMUR National Pencak Association in 1994-2005.

Under the Supervising Commission consisting of Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, MS (promotor), Prof. Dr. Ir. Lily Montarcih Limantara, M.Sc (co-promotor 1), and Dr. Ery Suhartanto, ST, MT (co-promotor 2), Dr. Azis Hussein successfully graduated with honors.

Present as the Board of Examiners included Dr. Ir. Ussy Andawayanti, MS, Dr. Ir. Rispiningtati, M.Eng, and guest examiner Prof. Dr. Ir. Nadjadji Anwar, M.Sc. (Professor of ITS Surabaya).

Also attending the dissertation open examination that afternoon, the Minister of Education and Culture 1993-1998 period, Prof. Dr.Ing. Wardiman Djojonegoro. In his remarks he expressed his appreciation and pride in the achievements of Dr. Azis Hoesein.

“When he (Dr.Azis, red.) said that he wanted to pursue doctoral education, I had said that being a doctor was a challenge, but seeing the results now I am very very proud. Hopefully the knowledge gained during his doctoral study can be used for the nation and everyone benefit,” said the Minister in The Sixth Development Cabinet.

Similar thing was stated by the Dean of FTUB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Pitojo Tri Juwono, MT., IPU. He believes research of the Doctor who had studied at the Department of Water Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, University of New South Wales can make a real contribution related to the flooding problems that often hit Indonesia.

This Water Resources Expert also added that Dr. Azis research  is very useful in the field of hydrology. By predicting runoff/ discharge as a function of a partially based CN, he inspired the next generation to continue this research in other places and cases.

“I am amazed by his extraordinary stamina. At the age of 73 years is still active. Of course, what Mr. Azis did will inspire us greatly to continue to be enthusiastic in working on our studies and continue to gain knowledge,” concluded Prof. Pitojo.

This process itself for Doctor Azis is an achievement he wants to surpass to defeat himself. Seeing the achievements of the young generation around him encouraged him to continue to challenge himself and make him more humble in putting himself in the environment.

“Even though it’s a bit senile at this old age, I want to prove to my children, if you learn wholeheartedly, you’ll get what you want!” said the new Doctor of Civil Engineering, encouraging. (mic)

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