
Building Collective Growth Mindset in the Faculty of Engineering that is Excellent and Reputable

In 2016, the World Economic Forum released a document about the 10 skills needed and need to be achieved in the Industrial 4.0 era. A change of skill priority is displayed from 2015 to 2020. Significant changes occur in the following 3 key skills: Creativity that rises to number 3, Emotional Intelligence, and Cognitive Flexibility that only appeared in 2020. The trigger for this change is believed to be due to the presence of digital technology that increasingly being personal.

Personalizing this technological interaction will increasingly bring up differences between individuals. A difference that certainly exists, a change that can not be avoided. As told by Heraclitus, the ancient Greek philosopher, “Change is the only constant”. So the best choice is we have to embrace the change to keep moving forward. It is like pushing a car to strike on an ascending road, we must keep on pushing up and not releasing the impulse to the top. If we are tired, we can rest but we still have to push.

This situation is similar to the work of our beloved Faculty of Engineering UB. In order to keep moving forward, in order to achieve a superior and reputable vision, the FT must continue to be pushed together. The challenge is how to keep this drive for togetherness, going in the same direction, and mutually reinforcing and collaborating. The key word is the word harmony. Etymologically, the word Harmony is derived from Greek, which is harmonia which means to be harmoniously bound and in accordance and to harmonize differences. Like an orchestra, the harmonization produces melodious and beautiful music.

Well, this is where the 3 key skills in the Industrial 4.0 era become significant in the context of harmonization. Creativity, Emotional Intelligence and Cognitive Flexibility will be the best response from the Faculty of Engineering in dealing with external and internal dynamics. The starting point is the Collective Growth Mindset that is in the minds of every human being in the Faculty of Engineering. Mindset that inspires enthusiasm to continue to grow better from time to time. Inspiration to continue to carve achievements which are to be passed on to one another and continued from generation to generation until the end of time.

The capital to form a growth mindset is a positive Self-Image, about how to see ourselves as full human resources from Allah SWT. This mindset full of resources will give birth to the determination as well as the best efforts from each of us. Even this mindset will be able to dismantle the mental restraints and prejudices that are inhibited, converted into positive thoughts towards a person with full of confidence.

About this growth mindset, let us learn from Albert Einstein, known as a super creative scientist and genius. When Einstein was asked about what had caused him to be so creative and intelligent, here was his answer:

  1. It’s not that I am so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.
  2. I am neither clever nor especially gifted. I am only very very curious.
  3. Imagination is more important than knowledge

Wow! It turns out that his secret is in the things that actually anyone CAN do and it is done consistently that is built character in him.

So, the thing that we should consider together as people of the Faculty of Engineering, is the fact that the question is not “Can we?” But “Do we WANT or not to become better, achieve more, more harmonious, superior, and reputable?”

God willing, we are ready to make it happen. May Allah bless you. Aamiin.


Dies Natalis 56 FTUB Article Writing Competition 3rd Winner
Ir. Eko Andi Suryo, ST., MT., Ph.D (Civil Engineering)

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