
Speed Up Financial Report Process, FT Holds Workshop & Socialization

Sub Division of Finance, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) held a Workshop on Administration and Submission of Financial Responsibility Reports (SPJ) on January 14, 2020 in the 3rd Floor Meeting Room, FTUB Building.

This activity was attended by Vice Dean for Finance, Dr. Ir. Ruslin Anwar MSi, all Head of Departments at FTUB, Head of General Administration along with all Heads of Sub Divisions at FTUB, and SPJ officers from all work units in the FTUB environment.

Present to open the event, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs FTUB, Ir. Ishardita Pambudi Tama ST MT PhD. In his remarks he expressed his appreciation for this event.

“This activity is needed, especially for the SPJ process. Here we present to you all the experts, please ask anything unclear to you,” he said

In this activity present as speakers are Kristin Rosalina, SE MSA AK CA and Alfy Choir Nur M, SE AK CA AAP B from UB’s Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI). In her presentation Kristin gave a socialization regarding General Problems in Administration and Financial Accountability in UB.

“There always something lacking in the SPJ process, so we have to go back and forth, maybe this is often become a scourge during the SPJ process, after this socialization, hopefully we can pay a close attention to anything that should be attach for SPJ,” said this UB FEB Accounting lecturer.

Sure enough, many questions were raised relating to the SPJ, not only from SPJ officers, but also from the Head of the Department.

“Alhamdulillah, with this socialization we can prepare the documents well, so we will not go back and forth during SPJ process,” said one of the Head of Department after the event.

Not only from SPI, this activity also invited the Head of UB’s Budget & Treasury Unit, Lulut Endi Sutrisno SE MAB and the Head of UB’s Financial Bureau Drs. Sagiya to deliver material on the Mechanism for Submission and Financial Reporting in UB.

At the end of the activity, an emonevin application was also socialized by one of the staff of Administrator of Information System and Public Relations (PSIK) unit, Amalia Wardani SKom.

“This application is useful for evaluating which SPJ that has been entered and what needs to be completed, so that it will simplifies the monitoring process that automatically speeds up the SPJ process,” she concluded. (mic)

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