
Welcoming the New Head of FTUB Administrative Officer

As of 1 December 2019 the position of Head of Subdivision within the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) has changed. Inaugurated at the end of last November, the Head of Sub Division of Academic Administration that previously held by Syaifudin, SE is now held by Marjuki Prabowo, S.Kom. Syaifuddin himself now serves as the Head of Sub Division of  Student & Alumni Affairs.

Whereas the Head of Sub Division of Employment & Finance is currently held by Desi Kurniasari, S.Pd., replacing Diah Anggraeni, SE, who now serves as the Head of Administration Affair in the Faculty of Computer Science (Filkom). Also moving to Filkom is Ir. Maryono M.Agr. Maryono’s position as Head of Sub Division General & State-Owned Inventory was replaced by Heru Dintanufi, SE., M.Sc.

The four FTUB Administrators are inaugurated along with other structural officials around UB by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, M.S. This inauguration is based on the Decree of Universitas Brawijaya Rector Number 5799 of 2019, on November 27, 2019.

Dean of FTUB, Prof. Dr. Ir Pitojo Tri Juwono MT in his speech during their farewell & welcoming party advised that in their new position they could be more sensitive and nurturing as leaders.

“As Head of Subdivision, we should be able to create a comfortable work situation. It is not easy as a superior, because we have to be able to provide good direction, nurture, as well as provide encouragement. For that we must be sensitive. Do not be indifferent, must be sensitive to the surrounding situations so that staff can work effectively,” Prof. Pitojo said. (mic)

Thank you for your dedication to FTUB all these years PAk Maryono & Bu Diah
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