
UTBK in FTUB Runs Smoothly

The Computer-Based Writing Test (UTBK) 2020 Batch I was held simultaneously from all over Indonesia on 5-14 July 2020. The Faculty of Engineering as one of the UTBK centers in UB provides four locations, including; Civil Engineering Computing Lab, PWK Capita Selekta Room, also Computer and Simulation Labs of Industrial Engineering.

Very different from last year. In this pandemic, the committee must work extra to meet all applicable health protocols. The safe distance between the examinees is arranged so that the lab room is only used half.

“Actually 30 participants should be fit here, but for social distancing, we only use 15,” said Andi M. Mawardi, ST, who served as an IT officer at Simulation Lab Room.

Not only the room, to ensure that all FTUB committees are safe from COVID-19, they take a rapid test conducted by UB in collaboration with the Ministry of Health on July 2, 2020.

UTBK, which was planned to be held in four sessions, was cut into two sessions each day. The first session was held at 09.00-11.15 WIB, and the second session was at 14.00 – 16.15 WIB.

The first session was held on Sunday, July 5, 2020. The committee in charge, mainly the Person in Charge of Location (PJL), the Person in Charge of IT (PJ TIK), until the IT officer in each room stand by on the location starting at 6.30 WIB.

Bagus Royan Mardiansyah, ST as the IT Administrator in the FTUB environment revealed that during the process there were still obstacles but within reasonable limits.

“There are indeed obstacles, but we still can handle and have been anticipated, so when the incident happened it can be immediately handled without disadvantaging the participants,” said Bagus who is also a staff of Administrator for Information Systems and Public Relations (PSIK) FTUB.

Endang Susiloningsih as the PJL in FTUB revealed that each room, computer, and facilities that will be used for the test were sterilized with disinfectant to ensure that the facilities were safe and sterile.

Security officers are also deployed to ensure the examinees follow the health protocol before entering the room. Participants will be checked for body temperature, must wear a mask/face shield, use a hand sanitizer or wash their hands with soap, wear gloves, and maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter.

“We provide a washing area at each entrance of the building and we make sure officers are watching. Of course, they’re there to watch over participant’s belonging as well,” said Endang.

Endang also revealed that supervisors are being briefed every day and are always reminded to increase awareness of participants who intend to cheat/doing any prohibition during the exam.

On this last day (7/14/2020) she expressed her appreciation to all the committees who served for their dedication for ten days non-stop to succeed the UTBK.

“Thank you for your cooperation and hard work. Alhamdulillah, because of you this activity can go well and smoothly,” she said. (mic)

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