
FT UB Wins 11 UB GIRAFFE Awards 2022

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) was once again giving awards to all the GIRAFFE Award 2022 winners on Wednesday, August 17, 2022. As in previous years, the Faculty of Engineering (FT) reaped brilliant results in this Annual Award.

The GIRAFFE award stands for Governance, Innovation, Reputation, Alumni, Faculty, Fund, and Efficiency. This event is an award that is assessed based on the Key Performance Indicators (IKU) that have been determined by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek).

Announced by the Vice Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation, and Internationalization of UB, Prof. Moch. Sasmito Djati, FTUB has won 11 GIRAFFE Awards and two awards for Excellent Lecturer/Administrative staff.

The Dean of FTUB, Prof. Ir Hadi Suyono, ST., MT., PhD., IPU., ASEAN Eng., expressed his appreciation to all faculty leaders, Departments, lecturers, and administrative staff.

“Thank you for the efforts and hard work of all parties who have helped make this series of achievements possible. Let’s continue to fight, work hard, for the sake of the progress of our beloved Faculty of Engineering to build Indonesia,” he said.

The Faculty of Engineering is a home for those who continue to strive for their dreams, love, and make achievements. In this year’s UB GIRAFFE Awards, the Faculty of Engineering also shows the results of the struggle of all KBFT.

May we all be among the winners who continue to be ready to face challenges and consistently contribute to the alma mater, Religion, Nation, and Indonesia. Dirgahayu Indonesia, keep up the glory of the Faculty of Engineering, now and in the future!!

The following are the awards received by FTUB:


  1. 2nd Place Graduates work immediately for less than 6 months
  2. 3rd Place Number of students doing off-campus activities
  3. 1st Place Number of lecturers who have certification and competence
  4. 1st Place Number of Lecturers with Doctoral qualifications
  5. 2nd Place Number of Nationally Indexed Publications
  6. 3rd Place in Number of Internationally Indexed Publications
  7. 2nd Place Number of Intellectual Property Rights
  8. 2nd Place Number of Study Programs that collaborate with partners PT QS100 by subject
  9. 1st Place Number of Study Programs that collaborate with non-PT Partners QS100 by subject
  10. 2nd Place Efficient Budget Usage
  11. 1st Place Amount of cooperation income


  • 3rd Place Lecturer in the Field of Science and Technology,
    on behalf of: Ir. Sugiono, ST., MT., Ph.D.
  • 3rd Place for Academic Administration Staff
    on behalf of: Erma Riestiana Kartika, A.Md.
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