
Faculty of Engineering Signs Cooperation with GRAB

On September 2, 2022, the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) inaugurated its collaboration with GRAB. The four of them in the Leadership Meeting Room on the 3rd floor of the Grab group were greeted directly by all faculty and department leaders led by the Dean of FTUB.

“We invite the Heads of Departments to come here with more opportunities for collaboration in all departments in FTUB,” said the Dean of FTUB, Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng.

Sandi Titonusaputra as Grab East Java Region Head brought along his entourage consisting of Achmad Ferry Hardianto (Grab East Java Business Operation Manager), Radith Alwaris (Grab East Java Business Operations Manager), Deniar Larasati (Grab East Java Business Development), and Arrohma Novianti (Grab Special Project Intern).

Sandi said that since the pandemic began, Grab has seen a decline in all regions in Indonesia. Grab also wants to contribute to restoring the economy and especially in the education sector.

Grab has provided assistance in transportation promos for MABA, Grab unlimited which can be used every day for 6 months. This is done in order to reduce the problem of parking spaces in UB

Currently, the discount package is only for MABA, in the future it is hoped that it can be developed for all students. In addition to transportation, Grab also offers to support all UB’s entrepreneurial programs.

“This is the first step of cooperation, hopefully, we can synergize so that the program we are undergoing can evolve in the years to come, please support and help for this collaboration,” he said.

Ferry Hardianto who turned out to be an alumnus of Mechanical Engineering FTUB added that Grab is very open and supportive of campus activities, including collaborative experiments, and using applications to support education and lectures.

Grab has also opened collaborations related to education and MSMEs. In the near future, an Entrepreneurship Competition will be held which may be open for Universitas Brawijaya.

“We want our younger students to start making business ideas from an early age, and if the winner has a product, they can show or do fundraising during Dies Natalis,” concluded Ferry.

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