
PWK UB Lecturer Invites the Community to Make Environmentally Friendly Shampoo

Nine Lecturers from the Urban & Regional Planning Department (PWK), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) who are members of the Environment, Infrastructure, and Information System (EIIS) Laboratory invite Family Welfare Programme (PKK) women from Griyashanta Housing to process natural ingredients into shampoo through socialization activities and training on making environmentally friendly traditional shampoos which were held on Saturday, August 27, 2022, at Balai RW 12 Griyashanta, Malang City.

“This training is carried out as an effort to increase public awareness of environmental sustainability, so it is hoped that after this activity the community can contribute to maintaining the surrounding environment,” said Imma Widyawati Agustin ST MT PhD, The Chair of the EIIS Laboratory as well as Chair of the Event.

The implementation of this activity also involved eight other lecturers; Nailah Firdausiyah ST MT PhD, Kartika Eka Sari ST MT, Dr Septiana Hariyani ST MT, DrTech Christia Meidiana ST MEng, Prof Dr Ir Budi Sugiarto Waluyo MSP, Ir Ismu Rini Dwi Ari MT PhD, Fauzul Rizal Sutikno ST MT PhD, and Adipandang Yudono SSi MURP PhD.

Shampoo as a hair care product that is used to remove oil and dirt generally uses 80% -90% chemicals as the base material, where the use of some chemicals contained in shampoo in the long term can cause negative impacts, both for health and the environment.

The content of Propen Glycol and DEA & TEA in shampoo can cause hair loss, skin irritation, and even allergic reactions. Meanwhile, in the environment, SLS content has the potential to pollute the environment because it is not easily decomposed and will be in the environment for a long time. Shampoo bottle packaging also increases the amount of domestic waste generated annually.

One effort to reduce the negative impact of using chemical-based shampoos is to switch to using environmentally friendly shampoos that are safe for health and do not pollute the environment, such as shampoos made from natural ingredients and shampoo bars.

Natural ingredients such as lime, eggs, avocado, candlenut, aloe vera, coconut milk, honey, tea, rice straw, and yogurt have many benefits for hair health.

This training activity was attended by 20 PKK women from Griyashanta. The activity began with the presentation of material about environmentally friendly shampoo and any natural ingredients that can be used as an alternative to traditional shampoo basic ingredients, then continued with a demonstration of making shampoo from natural ingredients in the form of rice straw and lime to participants.

The ingredients used to make this traditional shampoo are easy to find and have a relatively cheap price. Rice husk is famous since ancient times as a natural ingredient that can strengthen hair and blacken hair. Meanwhile, the content of vitamin C and citric acid in lime also has many functions, including overcoming dandruff and reducing oily hair.

“The target of this activity is PKK women, because the use of shampoo is closely related to domestic activities, so it is hoped that this activity can be the first step to increase public awareness of environmental sustainability,” added Imma Widyawati Agustin, ST., MT., Ph. .D.

The process of making eco-friendly traditional shampoo from dry rice stalks and lime can be seen here .

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