
FTUB Collaborates with DPKP Service of Batu City

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB), is collaborating with the Batu City Government to improve human resources and development of education, research, and community service.

This collaboration was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) by the Dean of FTUB and the Head of the Department of Housing and Settlement Areas (DPKP) Batu City, Tuesday, September 5, 2023, in the 3rd floor meeting room of the FTUB Building.

“Alhamdulillah, thank you for the presence of DPKP Service of Batu City. We also need to collaborate with partners, one of which is government and industry partners,” said FTUB Dean Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, ST., MT., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng.

As stated by the professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, collaboration with government and industrial partners is one of the assessments of IKU’s achievements.

“Relatively, we’ve done a lot of work with the Batu City government, especially with the Civil Engineering Department. The point is we welcome anything we can collaborate on. We have also brought in colleagues from other departments,” he added.

Head of DPKP Service Ir. Bangun Yulianto, ST., MT. expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to collaborate with FTUB.

“I feel very honored to be given the opportunity to collaborate with one of the mainstay universities and faculties in Indonesia,” he said.

According to Bangun Yulianto, apart from being supported academically and in engineering theory in several official jobs, one of the advantages of collaborating with FTUB is that they can gain new knowledge and insights.

“For those of us at the bureaucratic level, at least our knowledge can be refreshed. At least it can remind us of the knowledge we got in college,” he said.

The head of DPKP Service also touched on some of the work that had been carried out with FTUB, especially the Civil Engineering Department, including related to professional expert teams, building construction assistance, and building forensic teams.

“We are very grateful that it has been well received. Hopefully, this collaboration can produce a service product, especially for the community. We are also ready to help students from UB for practical work and so on,” he concluded.

Also witnessing the ceremonial signing of the Cooperation Agreement were all Vice Deans, Heads of Departments, Heads of Subdivisions, and Expert Staff of the Vice Dean I within FTUB.

Meanwhile, the Batu City DPKP was attended by the Department Secretary, Head of the Construction Development Division, Head of the Housing Division, Expert Building and Residential Area Management, and Area Utilization Plan Drafter.

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