
Krida FTUB 2023 Start with Role and Function of Students

The New Student Development Program (maba) of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB), is continuing. Saturday, September 9 2023, all FTUB freshmen were gathered in Student Krida activities.

First-year students are divided into 5 clusters: the Auditorium Ir Suryono FTUB Dean Building, 2nd Floor Architecture Building, Water Engineering Building Auditorium, 3rd Floor PWK Studio, and the Industrial Engineering Building Auditorium.

When we met, Dr. Eng. Ir. Herry Santosa, ST., MT., IPM as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni and Student Entrepreneurship, informed us that Krida will be divided into eight activities: four are coordinated at the faculty level and four at the department level.

“Krida today introduced the Student Governance Performance Information System (Simkatmawa) and provided material on Student Roles and Functions. We hope that first-year students can utilize the Simkatmawa Information System and play an active role in various student activities, both academic and non-academic,” he said.

He added that in Krida, first-year students will be introduced in more depth to the tri dharma of higher education, which consists of 3 pillars, namely education, which will be introduced to the lecture system faced in each department. Second, research will be channeled through the Student Creativity Program (PKM). Lastly is Community Service, which will end the program by introducing campus life through the Student Work Camp (KKM).

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