
Teaching Practitioner in Civil Engineering Strengthen Students’ Understanding of Project Management

The Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) also received the Teaching Practitioner grant Universitas Brawijaya. The recipient of this grant is Ir. Kartika Puspa Negara, ST., MT., Ph.D., for the Project Management course.

Ir. Muhammad Luckmanul Chakim, ST., M.Sc., Main Manager Regional II Perum Jasa Tirta (PJT II) is appointed as Practitioner Lecturer. During October 2023, he taught several meetings in the Project Management class.

Topics discussed include project documents, types of construction contracts, forms of construction contracts viewed from various aspects, preparation of AHSP and RAB, and other topics regarding construction project management.

In the inaugural lecture, which was attended by around 40-45 students, Luckman said that the construction industry is not only related to the implementation of construction development, but construction activities.

Construction activities include the planning and designing process, construction implementation, assembly, and installation on the site of prefabricated units; Repair, maintenance, and alternation, including demolition aspects.

Praktisi Mengajar Teknik Sipil - Pemberian Vandel oleh Kadep SipilThe first lecture with practitioner lecturers lasted for two hours, and the students were very enthusiastic about asking various questions, especially regarding the implementation of construction management in the field.

“In class, Mr. Luckman also explained about the parties involved in construction projects,” explained Ir. Kartika.

Head of the FTUB Civil Engineering Department, Ir. Eko Andi Suryo, ST., MT., Ph.D., really appreciated this activity, especially everything shared by Ir. Luckman as Practitioner Lecturer.

“It is hoped that this Teaching Practitioner activity will further strengthen students’ understanding of the field of construction project management and strengthen cooperation between FTUB, especially the Civil Engineering Department and Perum Jasa Tirta,” hoped Ir. Eko Andi. (mic)

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