
New Professor at the PWK Department Accelerates Digital Transformation in Rural Areas

Prof Gunawan Profesor Bidang Ilmu Perencanaan Wilayah dan Desa BerkelanjutanProf. Gunawan Prayitno, S.P., M.T., Ph.D., was inaugurated as the 26th active Professor at the Faculty of Engineering (FT) and the 201st active Professor at Brawijaya University as well as the 360th Professor of all Professors produced by Brawijaya University.

This Regional Planning and Sustainable Villages Professor delivered his Scientific Oration entitled “Social Capital-Integration (SCI) as a Basis for Quality Village Construction” on December 12, 2023.

In UB’s Samantha Krida Building that morning he explained that Social Capital Integration (SCI) is the basis for quality village construction.

“SCI is a key element to accelerate digital transformation in rural areas,” he said.

He continued that Digital transformation is the main foundation that brings significant changes in how we interact, work, and innovate. Social capital, including social networks, norms, and shared values, forms a strong foundation for understanding, designing, and implementing digital solutions.

“The success of Village 4.0 development depends on active collaboration between the government, local communities, and the private sector,” said the new professor at the Urban & Regional Planning Department (PWK).

Prof Gunawan Profesor Bidang Ilmu Perencanaan Wilayah dan Desa BerkelanjutanSocial capital, he continued, will be an important starting point for understanding how villages can utilize digital transformation to achieve Village 4.0 development goals.

As a basis for quality village construction, SCI includes elements such as social relationships, trust, shared norms, and collaboration in the village context. As digital technology in this era has entered our villages rapidly, it is important to recognize and understand the role played by social capital in shaping village sustainability.

“Social capital plays a key role in fostering social cohesion, facilitating the collaboration needed to optimize digital technology, and maintaining the sustainability of local culture,” he concluded. (mic)

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