
New Professor of Industrial Engineering Creates Railway Accident Mitigation System

Prof. Sugiono Profesor di bidang Ilmu Ergonomi TransportasiProf. Sugiono, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., created and developed a safety system at railway (KA) crossings based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The security system he created was successful in earning him the title of Professor in the field of Transportation Ergonomics.

Inaugurated on December 12, 2023, he delivered a scientific oration regarding his findings, namely a train accident mitigation application system equipped with an artificial intelligence system. This system was built in several stages.

The initial stage is a map called Double Awareness Driving (DAD), followed by a driver information system, and the third is building an early warning system connection at crossings which also uses AI.

DAD works in the form of visual and audio maps. In the future, DAD maps will be integrated with driver information systems and devices at crossings without officers.

The alarm system that will be built integrates sociotechnical drivers – trains – drivers by utilizing machine learning applications and web-based applications that are interactive and efficient.

The use of AI and the development of DAD in mitigating accidents at railway crossings reflects the large number of accident cases at level railway crossings, especially those where officers are not guarded or have no gate barriers.

Based on accident data in 2022, the number of accidents at level train crossings is 289 incidents or 6.02 accidents per week. As many as 87% of accidents or around 251 accidents occurred at crossings without officers.

The DAD road map will provide information on the number of train crossings that will be passed and in real time will display early driver warnings which are divided into three zones, namely: green, yellow, and red.

“When a driver crosses a railway crossing, there will be a warning, including the speed of the passing train,” explained the Head of the Industrial Engineering Department, UB Faculty of Engineering.

The application created has been tested for ease of use through a visual display test in the form of a usability test with an SUS score of 97.50 or category A (ready to use). In addition, the impact of using the DAD map on the driver’s concentration level was tested by recording changes in brain signals via an EEG device.

Prof. Sugiono Profesor di bidang Ilmu Ergonomi TransportasiThe results of the EEG recording show that the DAD road map can increase driver concentration by up to 21.66%. The closer you get to a level railroad crossing, the higher the driver’s level of alertness.

“The weakness of this DAD map is that there is no database, so it still works based on internet network availability,” he concluded.

Prof. Sugiono is the 27th active Professor at the Faculty of Engineering (FT), the 203rd at Universitas Brawijaya, and the 362nd Professor of all Professors that have been produced by UB. (mic)

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