
The UB Architecture Service Team Revitalizes Belik Lamer in Kampung Panggung

The Community Service implementation team (PKM) of the Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University (FTUB), chaired by Ir. Rinawati P Handajani, MT., revitalized water sources in Kampung Panggung RW 09, Mojolangu sub-district, Malang City.

The condition of the water source, once called Belik Lamer in Kampung Panggung, is quite worrying; access to the Belik is not maintained, and it is steep and slippery.

“The difficult road to the Belik causes a lack of maintenance for the Belik Lamer,” explained the Architecture Lecturer.

For this reason, She continued, revitalization activities were carried out which included repairing access roads, cleaning, and conditioning the area.

Keadaan Bilik Lamer sebelum dan sesudah Revitalisasi

Not alone, in this PKM team, Ir Rina collaborated with Dr Ir Lisa Dwi Wulandari ST MT CIQaR CIQnR CIMMR, Debri Haryndia Putri ST MDs, and DrEng Novi Sri Sunu Giriwati ST MT.

In May 2023, the team started activities by discussing with the management and residents of RW09 to capture the aspirations of residents and finalized it in June 2023.

Assistance with the implementation of the revitalization process carried out in July – August 2023. Implementation is done through community service with residents, starting with cleaning and compacting the land.

kerja bakti warga

After it has been compacted, continue with installing paving blocks for the stairs leading to the buying area, repairing the buying area, and installing signboards.

“We will carry out inspections of purchase locations and construction results periodically from September to October 2023,” said Ir Rina.

The Head of Mojolangu Subdistrict, Mr. Feri Irawan SKom really appreciates the efforts to revitalize the Belik area.

“Alhamdulillah,  after the revitalization the Belik which was previously neglected, can now be used again,” said Feri Irawan.

Petirtan Lamer is a witness to history in Kampung Panggung. This booth is a silent witness to how the local community used to get water. This room also provides a wise example, that giving a drop of water is very meaningful for life.

“These historical legacies can be used as lessons for the future, especially for the younger generation in Kampung Panggung who may not even recognize the history and riches of their kampung,” concluded Ir. Rina. (mic)

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